Sunday, July 17, 2016

References are Hard

Luiz Carlos and Hermann will produce cleaned up versions of the slides for the course, separated by days, i.e. Lecture 1,  Lecture 2, ..., Lecture 5.  Meanwhile here are some references that Luiz Carlos decided to add to his three classes.

(i) References for Prawitz' ecumenical system:
[1] Prawitz, Dag – Classical versus intuitionistic logic, in Why is this a proof, College Books, Tributes 27, 2015, pp. 15 – 32.
[2] Dowek, Gilles – On the definition of the classical connectives and quantifiers, in Why is this a proof, College Books, Tributes 27, 2015, pp. 228 - 238.
[3] Krauss, P.H. - A constructive interpretation of classical mathematics, Mathematische Schriften Kassel, preprint No. 5/92, 1992.

(ii) References for Ferreira's system Fat:
[1]  The faithfulness  of atomic polymorphism, Fernando Ferreira e Gilda Ferreira, Trends in Logic (2014)
[2]  Atomic polymorphism, Fernando Ferreira e Gilda Ferreira, JSL, vol. 76 (2013)
[3]  Commuting conversions vs. the standard conversions of the “good connectives", Fernando Ferreira e Gilda Ferreira, Studia Logica, vol. 92 (2009).

(iii) Reference for schematic rules:
Schröder-Heister, Peter – Generalized elimination inferences, higher-level rules,
and the implications-as- rules interpretation of the sequent calculus, in Advances in Natural Deduction – a celebration of Dag Prawitz’ work, (eds) Luiz Carlos
Pereira, Edward Hermann Haeusler and Valeria de Paiva, Springer, 2014, pp. 1–29.

(iv) Reference for D'Agostino's ND:
Marcello D’Agostino   Classical Natural Deduction. In: We Will Show Them! (1)  Edited by: Sergei N Artëmov, Howard Barringer, Artur S d’Avila Garcez, Luís C Lamb, John Woods.   429-468 College Publications isbn: 1-904987-11-7, (2005).

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